So embarrassing!

Hi guys!

Thank you so much to everyone who has viewed, liked and connected on my forest post, I really appreciate it! Anyway to the story: I was on a bus leaning on a pole because there was nowhere to sit down, then suddenly the bus stopping thing started pinging. I thought at the time who is pressing the button too much, you only have to do I once. Then the driver said you girl with the pink coat stop leaning on the stop button. Of course that was me. I was so embarrassed because everyone was staring at me. I hadn’t even realised I was leaning on the stop button! Have you ever had a embarrassing moment? Tell me, it would probably make me feel like I’m not the only person prone to embarrassing themselves!

Signing off, bloggirl346

Hello, World! hello, world! This is my first post, I am so excited! 😉 I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it! I will be keeping myself a anonymous for now so I'll refer to myself as bloggirl346. I'll be doing another post soon! Signing off, Bloggirl346